Our club consists of a large rectangular concrete pad with the curling surface painted on it. Under the concrete are a number of pipes. We run our chilled water through these pipes. The chiller and pumps are turned on a day or two before hand to get the concrete cold then we begin putting water down. Here is where the major deviation from my expectation comes in. I figured we turned on a faucet and fill up the rink with water, much like a swimming pool, and wait for the water to freeze. In fact we actually lay down a small layer of water starting at one end and working towards another. We apparently repeat this a number of times over a couple of days. This process serves 2 purposes. First it freezes quicker and more consistently/even (this seems obvious). Second, and less obvious, the layering of the water creates strength sort of like plywood.
After a week or so of preparation the ice is ready to go. I unfortunately went out of town the week the ice was ready so I wasn't able to get on the ice before my first game. Following the ice making we had out Put-in-the plug party (this is a figurative name there is no "plug" ). And now we come to the reasoning for the title of this entry. During this event I was talking to a club member who informed me that I don't write nearly enough. Especially when you compare my entries to Troy. Initially I was shocked that there was someone actually reading this... well I knew Troy checked it out ever once in a while. But I figured that was about it. Then I had to defend my lack of writing.
So what is my excuse... I don't have a good one. Only to say that I have been spending my "free" time toying around with other technology. Specifically I was destroyed by the efficiency and quality of Troy's blogging on our Germany trip. i figured the best way for me to contribute was to get my photos up and inserted into a map so people could see where we visited. I already had the images loaded into Picasa (Cheep Plug) they are here
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Germany March/Apri |
and here
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Prague March/Apri |
My next step was to get them in a map and post that somewhere. The great news is picasa has a way to drop you pictures onto a map. And you can link to that map. Google Maps also provides you the ability to save maps (Troy has used this in his blog). And one of the options in the map making screen is to show images from picasa. So this should be a super easy task. I have to ways of getting the map I want posted in my blog. But neither of the ways work how I would expect them.
So Lets look at Picasa... Yes you can drop your images in the map and link to the map page but you can't set a view on the map and save it. So I first had to split my albums in two with the Prague pictures in one and the Berlin pictures in another. Even then it doesn't work great because I have a few pictures out side Berlin. These pictures force the map link to zoom far out so you are presented with a view of almost all of Germany. A similar problem can be seen in my Hawaii album as well. I really want to create a view of just the Big Island. However, I don't want to split this into 2 albums.
Refusing to be beaten I figure I will approach this dilemma from a different angle.... I will go to google maps and create a map view. This is also impossible from google maps. Or at least I can't figure it out. So I go to google maps and create a view of Berlin (or teh Big Island) and I invoke the picasa search filter. I search on a number of things (I start with my user name which returns nothing!!!) then I figure I should search on album name. pictures start populating. I am very excited. Everything fills in and it seems to be only my pictures! Great!!! I save the view and send a link to myself. When I click on the image the map view loads... but no pictures! I only get the map view and a search field. I have to type in the album name myself. This doesn't seem very useful!
So the method that does work, which is much more labor intensive, is to put a sticky at each location and link it to one of my pictures. I'm not going to use this method. It will take much too long. I was exploring other options when the curling season (and sadly TV) picked up. So for now I will have to see if anyone stumbles across this post and provides a better suggestion.
Thanks man!! Unfortunately I have no suggestions for your dilemna.
Good Curling,
Would that be the same Eric who never updates his blog?
I've thoroughly enjoyed all of your blogs, which I sit and read when I eat lunch at my desk. You are right, however, Troy did set the bar awfully high, but you get extra props for being a character in his blog as well.
#1 Eric, you totally just got served!
#2 While I appreciate the compliments, it took me 6 months to finish posting about Germany (and I actually still have a couple of meta posts on my to-do list). Are you guys pulling my leg?!?!
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