So I was a bit nervous about getting to the event on time. I wasn't sure how this ran. I didn't know if we should plan go getting there an hour before hand (for registration, and what not) or 15 minutes. I decided to play it safe. Well things ended up going smoother than we imagined. I had built in about an hour of lag time so we could all move slowly in the AM, hit some traffic and still be a bit early. As it turns out we were all ready to go and ended up at the club by 8:30!! Thanks in Part to Nuvi not getting us lost at all!
So we decided to see what Nuvi had listed in the area. In searching for nearby shopping we came upon Costa-Rica Laptops. And figured why not check it out, they probably weren't open at this hour, but it might be interesting to window shop. Well window shopping for this company would be more like being a peeping Tom. Apparently Costa-Rica Laptops (I could not find a web page for this company) is a home business, or was a home business. Nuvi led us to an apartment complex and got us as far as a building. We decided to end our shopping trip with out window shopping.
By the time we got back to the Club it was near 9 Am and we figured we would go in and see what was going on. The club is attached to a hockey rink so in the worst case we could watch a few minutes of hockey practice or something. It turns out that there were people there setting up. We offered to help, but they had pretty much finished up. Se we registered and just hung out for a bit. People started arriving shortly so we figured we should get changed. Troy needed to "Get his curling pants on.", as did I.
The MACA events are designed to be ultra social events between a small group of "close" clubs. The idea is different from a normal bonspieal where you enter a team of 4 to compete against other teams. This is a random format where each club send 8 curlers (or is supposed to) for a total of 32 curlers or 8 teams. The teams are made up by a random draw. So team are comprised of curlers of all levels and from different clubs. This is a great way to meet a number of people form different clubs and learn alot as well. Aside from the random draw each player switches positions after 2 ends, so you get to curl at every position.
So I ended up on a team with one person from Philly and 2 from other clubs. And we did pretty well. We ended up winning both of our games. Game one was 9 - 6, and we all had some very good shots. Game two was against Mary's team and the score was fairly lop sided. I think the final was 17 - 1. The score came down mostly to personalities on the opposing team.
Ultimately Mary's team had a member who played a different game than we had been working on. In our short time at curling one of the pieces of advise that have been given to us over and over again was to not try and throw heavy take outs. Ultimately we aren't accurate enough to make them and since we miss we just end up sending potential points out of play leaving the competition with a change to guard their points. Well this teammate was a new curlier who liked to throw heavy takeouts, and call for them when it was his turn to skip. So we were able to take advantage of a few missed shots and stack some points up in the house.
Fortunately, Mary played an excellent game she made all the shots that she was called to make and at then end of the day we all had a very fun time. The only unfortunate thing is that the warm weather in Potomac signaled the fast approaching end of the curling season.
br> The scoring of the event is complex and took the event coordinator about a half an hour to work out. Basically the scoring favors attendance. Fortunately for us the team we were in second place to at the start of this MACA had an event at their club and didn't send any one down. It made finishing second place almost impossible. So of course we ended up taking 1st place in the event this year and returning the trophy to Philly for the first time since 1994!
The trip home was rather interesting. We all recognized the need for dinner and Mary was Jones'n for some BBQ ( a pulled pork sandwich to be exact). So we figured we would hit a local BBQ joint. apparently the 'burbs of Philly is not the place to get BBQ. and as expected M$ data was insanely wrong. So troy brought up the internet on his phone and searched M$ live for BBQ places near KOP. He found a Smoky Bones restaurant sorta near the curling club (according to M$). So we called some friends had told them to meet us there. We get a call a little while later.... "um there isn't a Smokey Bones in Frazer, PA" so we look again and look at a map... "sure there is, it is right by the intersection of PA 29 and PA 30". So we give Kate the phone number (strange Area code that we don't recognize) and she calls them. a few minutes later we get a call back from Kate, this Smokey Bones is in Frazer County out near Pittsburgh (about 6 hours from us!) So we again look for BBQ places and every one we call is out of business. We ended up at the Sly Fox, which is a brew pub that has a great pulled pork sandwich. So if you are in the KOP area and looking for BBQ check out the Sly Fox.
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