Saturday, July 22, 2006

No Power since tuesday

So I think I mentioned Tuesday that I didn't have any power.... Well here it is Saturday and we still don't have power.

Now I know the human race survived a pretty long time with out electricity, so it isn't like a few days with out electricity is going to kill me or anything. But it is interesting how much we rely on electricity.

fortunatly T&C have been great friends this week (not to imply there are weeks when they aren't) and they have fed us and hung out with us, keeping us entertained..... It is great to have friends close by to help out.

Of course we have been sleeping here which hasn't been too bad but man do I miss fans an A/C!

Well the PECO truck is doing another lap around the neighborhood. Hopefully we will have power in and hour or so.... It will be interesting to have electric lights lighting up the living room again.

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