Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wii Web - So close yet so Far

So I downloaded the web browser for the Wii. I was honestly pretty
excited. I have always wanted to have a PC attached to my tv and sound
system but it never seemed worth it to go out and buy a whole computer to
do this. Not to mention the negative of having a new 300 watt space heater
in my living room.

There are only really a few things I want to be able to do with this
system. Almost all of them revolve around surfing the web:

1. A quick view of imdb for times when the person on TV or in the movie
looks really familiar.

2. A lot ofTV shows are on line now so being able to watch a show that I
forgot to DVR or something that I'm just not that interested in is very
interesting to me.

3. Being able to play my MP3 collection through my tuner without a bunch
of hardware would be awesome!

4. Being able to view or listen to other media that requires a browser.
For example: we are members or Red Sox Nation which gets us acess to mlb
gameday audio. There are times when we would love to be able to listen to
the game.

So when I saw that there was a browser for the Wii I thought it would be
able to provide a sloution to a number of my desires.

However, I quickly discovered that really this browser isn't an optimal
platform. Most of the sites I wanted to use required plugins that weren't
available for the Wii. Imdb was really the only site that worked well.
Everything else just got me blank pages with plugin not available. So if
Nintendo and the plug-in community is listening... Develop some plugins
there are probably millions of people out there running into the same
issues I am and I am sure they would use the browser more if multi-media
was an option.

So what now? Well I am formulating an idea that may work. Sun has just
released XVM server so I am thinking I can stand up a Solaris 10 guest on
my home computer and use SunRay software to get my desktop to a sunray
(using RDP) at my TV. This should meet my needs well and all I need to
pick up is a SunRay. I might even be able to find a cheap used on Ebay.
Not that thay are expensive to begin with. And since they are low wattage
and have no fans I don't have to worry about the pwer and fan noise!

Now all I need is free time to set this all up :-)

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