Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lava Ocean Entry


This is one of my best/favorite pictures from our night at the lava ocean entry near the end of Route 130 (Kalapana). The light show was amazing. Aside from the lava which you see here we were treated to a couple of lightning flashes in the steam as well.

We were much closer to the lava this time than we were on our Honeymoon in 2004.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hawaii.... Again!

We just got back from another visit to our favorite place. I have quite a few pictures but they are probably going to take a while to convert to jpg (I took a lot of RAW images) and a few have to be messed with.

Above is a early morning view of the Haleakala "Crater". There were some amazing colors to view here. We were joined by a few friends for the second week. It was a fun to show them around our favorite island and have some new experiences too. The ocean entry from the TEB vent was very active just outside Volcanoes National Park. We were treated to an amazing evening fireworks show. It looks like a few of my pictures turned out decent despite the lack of a tripod. I totally wish Troy was there with his high powered Digital SLR...... Maybe next time.

I will post more photos as they are ready....