Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wii Web - So close yet so Far

So I downloaded the web browser for the Wii. I was honestly pretty
excited. I have always wanted to have a PC attached to my tv and sound
system but it never seemed worth it to go out and buy a whole computer to
do this. Not to mention the negative of having a new 300 watt space heater
in my living room.

There are only really a few things I want to be able to do with this
system. Almost all of them revolve around surfing the web:

1. A quick view of imdb for times when the person on TV or in the movie
looks really familiar.

2. A lot ofTV shows are on line now so being able to watch a show that I
forgot to DVR or something that I'm just not that interested in is very
interesting to me.

3. Being able to play my MP3 collection through my tuner without a bunch
of hardware would be awesome!

4. Being able to view or listen to other media that requires a browser.
For example: we are members or Red Sox Nation which gets us acess to mlb
gameday audio. There are times when we would love to be able to listen to
the game.

So when I saw that there was a browser for the Wii I thought it would be
able to provide a sloution to a number of my desires.

However, I quickly discovered that really this browser isn't an optimal
platform. Most of the sites I wanted to use required plugins that weren't
available for the Wii. Imdb was really the only site that worked well.
Everything else just got me blank pages with plugin not available. So if
Nintendo and the plug-in community is listening... Develop some plugins
there are probably millions of people out there running into the same
issues I am and I am sure they would use the browser more if multi-media
was an option.

So what now? Well I am formulating an idea that may work. Sun has just
released XVM server so I am thinking I can stand up a Solaris 10 guest on
my home computer and use SunRay software to get my desktop to a sunray
(using RDP) at my TV. This should meet my needs well and all I need to
pick up is a SunRay. I might even be able to find a cheap used on Ebay.
Not that thay are expensive to begin with. And since they are low wattage
and have no fans I don't have to worry about the pwer and fan noise!

Now all I need is free time to set this all up :-)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Bottom of Waimoku Falls

On our recent trip to Maui I was able to convince Mary to go on another hike with me. Fortunately for me she is always willing to go (at least she hasn't said no yet). I love getting to places that require a little bit of work. Partially because I feel rewarded once I have gotten somewhere. Additionally, going to places that require a bit of work usually weeds out the casual tourist.

I am happy to report that this hike (even though it wasn't nearly has arduous as our Pu'u O'o hike 2 years ago) was very rewarding. At the end of the Pipiwai Trail is a wonderful waterfall. We visited during the dry season so there was only a little water in the pool below. This made the falls and the pool approachable. There were a few people swimming and enjoying the massage from the plummeting water.

This is a great place to visit if you are in Hana for more than a day trip. We stayed at the Hana Kai Maui which was a great place. The hotel is right on the water and it totally has a remote tropic feel. There is a more upscale hotel in town too.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lava Ocean Entry


This is one of my best/favorite pictures from our night at the lava ocean entry near the end of Route 130 (Kalapana). The light show was amazing. Aside from the lava which you see here we were treated to a couple of lightning flashes in the steam as well.

We were much closer to the lava this time than we were on our Honeymoon in 2004.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hawaii.... Again!

We just got back from another visit to our favorite place. I have quite a few pictures but they are probably going to take a while to convert to jpg (I took a lot of RAW images) and a few have to be messed with.

Above is a early morning view of the Haleakala "Crater". There were some amazing colors to view here. We were joined by a few friends for the second week. It was a fun to show them around our favorite island and have some new experiences too. The ocean entry from the TEB vent was very active just outside Volcanoes National Park. We were treated to an amazing evening fireworks show. It looks like a few of my pictures turned out decent despite the lack of a tripod. I totally wish Troy was there with his high powered Digital SLR...... Maybe next time.

I will post more photos as they are ready....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Corn Hole Video Game

That's right a corn hole video game at a bar here in Houston, TX. Golden
Tee watch out. People will be dropping golf and darts like hot potatos in
order to play a round or corn hole. You heard it here first. The
nightlife scene is changing for the better.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Traveling Tribute to Victums of Terrorism

A week or so ago I was on my way over Plymouth Meeting and I drove past this very impressive display of American flags. I figured it was a tribute to troops who had lost their lives over seas. But it seemed a bit early for a Memorial Day type display (not to say that we shouldn't remember and honor our troops every day). In any event I made a mental note to try and return before the display was dismantled. I figured with the spring trees blooming and the few nice days forcasted it was be a good opportunity to take some pictures.

Fortunately Mary and I had to make a couple trips to the tile place so we ended up driving by with a plan to stop and take a look at the display. As it turns out the monument is a tribute to victims of terrorism since the 1983 US Embassy Bombing in Beirut. There are a huge number of flags in the display. It was impossible to get a vantage point to see all of the flags.

I think I like the black and white version of the picture I have above, but the original reason I stopped was because the colors were so impressive. So here is a color image as well. I think I have to adjust the colors a bit to make the sky bluer.

I haven't been by in over a week so I don't know if the display is still there. If it is still there or if you happen to read about it in your local paper it is definitely worth stopping and taking a few minutes to remember those who have lost their lives to terrorism.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

counter tops

Our little kicthen project is comming along. We had the counter tops installed today and the kitchen is looking much more finished. Should have the plumbing tomorrow. Then all we have to do is pick out tile... oh and the floor. The kitchen looks one thousand time better than it did when we started. I will have to post before and after pictures when it is all done.

In a semi-related vein.... I can't believe that i took these pictures from my Treo. I mean sure they are something I would print out and frame. However, the pictures are much better than I would imagine a camera phone would take.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Following the president

So I followed the President around the country today. This morning Mary
and I went on a tour of the White House with some people Mary works with
and a family from Germany. The tour was fun. There was quite a lot
involved with getting into the white house. Including not having any bags
or cameras. And there was a surprisingly few number of rooms available to
see. But the self guided tour was interesting and definitely worth the
short amount of time that it took.

So as we were exiting the Whitehouse we watched Marine 1 take off. A few
of the people in our group saw GW actually boarding the chopper. Sort of
interesting to see but really nothing too exciting.

until of course I land in Nashville and find out that just before I touched
down the airspace had been closed due to the President landing.....

I sure hope he isn't headed to Philly tomorrow night because then I'm sure
my name would make it to the top of all kinds of watch lists :-)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Curling at the Dykes

So this past weekend I gathered a couple of guys frm the club together (well really Eric did the gathering) and went up to the Francis Dykes Men's 5 & Under Bonspiel. We didn't go up with high expectations. Our plan was simple:

1. Have Fun!
2. Try and stay close in every game
3. Get some experience under our belts
4. Win a game if we could

I have to say we were fairly successful in all of our endeavors. Of course we had fun. Of the 3 Philly teams in attendance we were the least experienced so we had the least to loose. Also for many on the team it was teh first away event so we were just looking to meet people and have a good time. Item number one... done.

I felt like we held our own in every game we palyed. The first team we played was very good, and ended up running away with the game, but we really didn't give up very big ends and while the score was high by the end of the game we all curled well. The game would have been much different if I could have made a few keys shots. But I just couldn't execute, which was a shame, but we didn't want to compete in the first event anyhow :-)

The second game was a game we could have won. The other team was good, but I made the mistake of underestimating the team's ability based on their front end. That lead us to not put up some guards early on. Our opponents vice was very good a take outs and seemed to hit every stone near exactly where he needed to. That combined with my continued inability to make a few key shots saw us off to an early deficit. Towards the middle of the match we were down 5-1 and our opponents were sitting 4. Ends like this (especially at our level are tough to come back from. We can generally take a point or two, but getting 3 or 4 especially late in the game is difficult. To make things even more interesting the front was well guarded. There was only really one shot for me to make. I just had to wing a stone down and hopefully knock one or two out and maybe out count a few more.

So I slid down to the hack and lined up for the shot. I let the stone go and just hopped I didn't get caught up on one of the front guards. Amazingly I cleared all of the guards and hit everything in just the right order (fortunately we had the hammer). Suddenly I instead of being down 9-1 we were only down 5-2 and with a few ends left we had time to mount a comeback. We stole one in the next end and suddenly we were only down by 2. The details of the rest of the game are a bit fuzzy. But we kept it close. We ended up eking out a defeat, but were all very happy with our performance.

Finally we arrive at Saturday morning. Thins seemed like they were falling into place. We had curled well the night before (especially in the last half of the game) we were curling in Albany, which our club is modeled after, which makes it feel like home. So we started out really well. We kept winning end after end. We had a very good lead built up going into the 5th end. Then I got a little off the game plan and fouled some things up. That combined with another missed shot by yours truly left out opponents sitting 5. In this end the gaurded up the front well and had some points counting. I just needed to draw and cut them down to maybe 2 points, if I was lucky (or good, but lets face it I'm not good yet) I could have out drew them and maybe even come away with a point. But instead I was wide and ended up one of their guards. Unfortunately my weight was perfect and I ended up knocking another of their stones into the rings. So now instead of being up by 7 we were only up by 2. It was a very bad feeling. But I had to make sure that we didn't let it get to us. We still had a game to pull out.

It came down to the last end and we were up by 2 or 3 points. We had a nice house set up. The middle was open and we had 2 guarded stones on either side of the 4 foot about the T-Line depth. It would be very hard for our opponents to come away with enough points for a victory. The opposing vice managed to sneak a stone onto the button and I was ready to call a guard to conceded the end in favor of winning the game. Then our vice reminded me that if I successfully removed this stone the other team would not have enough stones to win. The down side didn't seem to bad either. At worst I would hang up on a guard of ours and block the whole maybe tap some stuff around. But it would still be hard for the other team to get 3. Again things fell into place and I managed to take the stone out leaving us sitting 3 and making it near impossible for the opponent to win. The skip conceded the game and we had walked away with our first victory (and my first victory outside Philadelphia).

I would love to be able to report that we won our next four games (which we would have had to 2 to win the 3rd event. But alas out winning streak stopped at one.

In the end it is safe to say we all had a great time and we accomplished all of our goals. I hope the team wants to get back together next year. We should have an even better time.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


A few months a go some dear friends of mine set of on an amazing adventure. Rachel and Sudhir planned to visit Nepal (Sudhir's home) so Rachel could spend some real time with her new family. During their trip they kept an amazing blog which you should really check out. If you don't have the time or patients to read about the trip at least look at the pictures. However I suggest you read the stories as well. R&S had an amazing trip and the blog is very well written.

Upon returning to the US R&S settled on the left coast, a pretty major change from Somerville, near Cambridge, where they met. Of course since I no longer love in Boston I really shouldn't have much to complain about it isn't like I get to see these guys all that often any how. But Boston is just so much closer. When Neeraj was living in San Diego it was alwasy difficult to communicate. Of course e-mail works great, but phone calls are tough. The 3 hour time difference is really just enough off that schedules are strange. Usually when I am thinking of friends it is to early to give them a call because they would be at work. And by the time I am ready for bed they are probably eating dinner.

Anyhow, R&S got to San Francisco on the 4th or so of January and have since been looking for a place to live and employment and all the things you need to do when you move to a new place. How delighted was I when I found out I would be in the Bay area for a few days in earl February! I sent Rachel an e-mail to let her know of my plans hoping that our schedules would match up and fortunately they did. I was able to arrive early enough the day before my meetings to meet up and catch up on life.

I made my way to their new apartment which is in a very nice part of the city. They live sort of towards the top of a hill in a larger apartment building. The street they are on dead ends at their building and someone in the area has done an amazing landscaping job at the end of the street. Walking through the garden to the building is enjoyable and sets this place apart from mot other locations.

of course Rachel and Sudhir's apartment was still awaiting furniture, but they have a great place. It is very open and inviting floor plan and they have a balcony that looks out over to garden/entrance. I am sure they will make it an even better place to visit once it is furnished.

We decided to head to dinner and we choose a BBQ place Memphis Minnie's. The web site looked interesting and the food sounded great. After a bit of an adventure getting there. The bus had to let us off a few blocks away because the street was closed due to a movie being filmed. We discovered that the place had apparently sold out of BBQ and closed early. We were so disappointed and since none of us really knew the area finding a second place was a bit of a challenge. If I make it back to the area, I think we will have to try this place again, the interior looks similar to a few other BBQ places I have been and all of these places were amazing.

After a bit of walking and peering at menues and in windows we ended up at the Asqew Grill which had an interesting manue and concept. It is basically a meat (chicken, fish, or vegtable) on a stick establishment. You order your "main course" and choose a starch to server with it. They have a number different choices. We decided to each order something different and then we could share. The food was all very good. Very flavorful and well prepared. The atmosphere was very casual and laid back. It was great to spend some time catching up. Even though I didn't get a chance to see them often when they were in Boston California is just so far away, I hope I have some more opportunities to visit.

After dinner we meandered back to Rachel and Sudhir's apartment, with a bit of a bus fiasco do to the movie again, where I hopped in the car and headed home. It was sad to have to leave, but I had been up since 4 AM EST (it was now like 1 AM EST) and R&S had to work. So back to my hotel I went hoping I could make it back to the Bay area soon.

So if you guys are reading this, thanks for a great night. The East coast misses you! But I hope you are having a great time getting settled into your new place.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wnning our first event

Well it was bound to happen some time!!! Mary and I won our first in Curling. The Bonspiel was our club in-house annual "Mushroom" event. We started off witha fairly goos team. Myself and Mary bot 2 year Curlers. Our Vice was Eric who has curled for 6 years and our Skip was Ken who has also been curling for 2 years but has picked up the sport rapidly. Unfortunately due to circumstances within reach of our skip he was not about to make the first game so we had a different Ken sub for us as Vice. We created a pretty simple strategy and executed well. We ended up winning our first game, and event in and of its self since Mary and I hadn't won a Bonspeil game yet. Our egos slightly boosted we headed into Saturday evening's game with high hopes.

Those hopes were dashed late in the game, but we didn't give up game 2 without a fight. We ended up making a few execution errors in the 6th and 7th end that we just weren't able to recover from. But it was great to know a team of relativly novice player could hold their own again some of the more experienced curlers of the club. We had a feeling we would give the next team a good game had we won, but we would certainly get blown out in the first event finals had we made it that far. Losing this game dropped us into the 3rd event, which we were happy to play in.

Finally Finals Sunday had arrived. We only had to play one game (they used a points scheme to determine the winner of the 3rd event). However we were playing the Fishers and their experienced front end. The game was shapping up well. We managed to score points in the first 2 ends. The 3rd end we made some near fatal mistakes. Starting with a guard of mine going to deep which lead to an open double that Christa made easily. With not many guards and teh back unds up the takeout game began and at the end of it we had given up 4!... The game was close again and there were only a few ends left in the is abbreviated game. However we were able to regain our composure and take the rest of the ends as well.

Mary and I were particularly on for this game almost every time Mary needed to throw a guard it ended up in the right spot. All of my draws were exactly in the right spot I managed to throw a couple of stones that froze to Troy's stone which had stopped just behind the button. From here we could guard our point and take the end. As I mentioned the only time this didn't work we gave up 4 points.

We ended the game with a points total of 23 which would be hard to beat. Fortunately for us the team on the next sheet had the exact score, but their opponent had managed to take one more end leaving them with 21 points. All we could do now was watch the second set of games and hope that there were no blow outs. The curling god were smiling upon us that day as one game ended close and the other ended in a tie. 23 points became the magic number and we walked away with the 3rd event.

The big problem with winning is now we feel like we have to keep it up. I have the Dykes (5 and under Men's tournament) coming up next week. Lets see if I can keep a winning streak alive. The team we have assemebled is all 1 and 2 year curlers, we aren't expecting to compete but who knows. Perhaps we can get a victory or two under our belt.

Finally, following our stellar performance at the Cracked Bell (yes that was sarcastic). Actually we did fairly okay. We didn't win anything, but we seemed to "loose" less. And there were points in most games when we could have taken ends had we executed better. So CPK will hopefully be looking to attend a bonspeil at the end of the season to see if perhaps we can win a game or two.